Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Most Common Lies In Online Dating

In a survey of 1000 single online daters, it has come to light that 53% of them have lied in their profiles.

The fact that you can’t get away with lying in your profile for long doesn’t prevent a lot of people from doing it. Don't let this put you off - it's not to say that every person you speak to on the internet is lying to you - but we've all heard one story or another about turning up to your date and being met with Frankenstein when you were expecting Prince Charming, or finding out that they're a vegan activist as you take your seats at the burger pop-up you'd picked for the date.

According to the survey, women are 10% more likely to lie than men, with their most common porky pie being about their looks. This means weight, shape and even hair, frequently in the form of outdated photos, which 20% of women are guilty of doing! 

Men's top lie is about having a job that is better than the one they've actually got; although women aren't much better at this one either! 40% of men and a third of women have stretched the truth regarding their professions; making it sound more glamorous and even intimating that they earn a far higher salary than they do in reality. 

  Here are the top ten lies told by each sex:

Top 10 Lies Told by Men
More senior than they really are at work 
More interesting profession than they actually have
Knowing celebrities
Having an assistant or employees
Working in the film industry

Top 10 Lies Told by Women
Glamorous profession
Knowing celebrities
Having an assistant or employees
Working in entertainment

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