Friday, 31 July 2015

Are you irritating your date?

We've all got our own people pet peeves, but according to a recent survey of over 8000 men and women there are a certain few that are particularly niggling on a first date. And interestingly, men and women ranked their annoyances differently.... 

Women were particularly anti their dates being over-confident, while they were more likely to be lenient if their date were late. The pie chart below breaks it down even more... 

Men, on the other hand, were most opposed to women being on their phones during a date, because they thought she would either be gossiping with her friends about him or talking to other men! 

If you know you're prone to a sneaky insta scroll/BBC news check up (each to their own) in someone else's company, make sure you keep the habit in check at least on a first date! However, 68% of women and nearly half of the men in the survey actually said they would prefer a night in + takeaway than going on a first date at all.... = 

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