Friday, 20 November 2015

(M)Eating For The First Time

The perfect first date food. An elusive mystery to us all. 

Which meal is best for encouraging romance to blossom between diners? Minimum slurping, zero garlic involved, spinach out of the question... So after eliminating most potential foods from the agenda due to stick-in-your-teeth- or spill-on-your-shirt-risks, what dining options are left for you and your date? 

Food sets the mood
Four in ten daters admitted the food their date chooses can determine whether they’ll get kissed post date and one quarter of daters admitted to being completely turned-off by what their date chooses. We're assuming that this is why garlic should be avoided at all costs, along with particularly pungent fish.

Dig in

Women described salad ordering men as more likely to be 'boring wimps' (harsh), while 27% of men preferred a woman with a good healthy appetite. This means leaving the lettuce for a night in and tucking into a burger on date night is more likely to impress your dinner partner.

But having said that, there are some hearty foods that might be better to avoid. Spaghetti and meatballs, for example. Eternally portrayed as the most romantic date food of all: 

the reality can often look very different.

Keeping it casual is better than going fancy

Plus - and this is good news for most of us - daters apparently prefer a casual, local bar to a more formal restaurant environment for their first meeting with a romantic contender, and a meal costing under £25. And it makes sense - if your date induced nausea/anxiety gets the better of you, isn't it always better to throw up on a bar than a table laid with more cutlery than you know what to do with?

So there you have it; a little info and advice on eating with your date. 
And one more thing: avoid ribs at all costs.

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