Friday 13 November 2015

Benefits of a Bad Date

It may be a cliché to say so, but it's undeniable that rom-coms, Disney movies and fairy-tales are all guilty of giving unrealistic expectations of love. 

In truth, not every trip to the park will result in love at first sight,

and you're probably more likely to be sat across from Darth Vader than Prince Charming on your next date. So I'm sorry to say it, but there's no denying that dating isn't easy and we all end up kissing a few frogs before finding our Prince. 

However, who's to say that there wasn't some good that came out of that torturous date at the pub with the tap-water-ordering Buddhist convert who openly criticised your life choices as you finished your third glass of wine? 

What if you actually learned something significant from your experience dating the beige-scarf-clad city lawyer who you struggled to stay awake through an evening with?
Let us consider... 

Improve your etiquette 

Just because it isn't going well, it doesn't mean you're on a date with a terrible person, OR, for the more insecure of our readers, that you're a terrible person either. Your date (or you!) might be nervous, in which case it might be worth giving them the benefit of the doubt and cutting them some slack if they're struggling with conversation. Even if it doesn't improve, why not just be nice and end the date on a good note? You don't have to treat them as the be all and end all; rather as a stepping stone towards where you're each going and what you want. In that sense, being open and empathetic will translate towards your future relationships as well. 

Become more confident

Confidence is sexy. Grumpiness isn't so much. 

If you're irritated because you were hopeful in anticipation of a date that turned out to be a train wreck in reality, try not to get bitchy and take it out on your companion. Even if there isn't a spark between you it doesn't mean you can't use your wit and charm to have a worthy conversation anyway. Having the confidence to turn the conversation around will make you much happier in the long run, so if you can avoid sulking at your own misfortune and asking for what you want, it could change your entire experience.

 Practice makes perfect

It's impossible to count the number of bumper stickers that tell us something along the lines of 'the only things we regret in life are the risks we didn't take', so in this vein of thinking every date is a chance to learn something new.

 Your dating duds can be trial runs for the real deal, whether that be in the form of honing your conversation skills or improving your flirting (we can all benefit from practice in that department). If you really want to make some headway in your dating life, the way to do it is keep dating—and often! Don't be afraid to fill your calendar with drinks, dinners, and coffee dates: the more you date, the more you'll become conscious of what you like and what you don't, and the more likely you are to come across Mr/Ms. Right.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try (and keep trying!) again.

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