Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Dating Pre-Internet vs. Dating Today

We'll be the first to champion the digital revolution that lets us talk, travel and date from the comfort of our homes. However, there is still value in remembering what the dating scene looked like pre wi-fi, and even, dare I say it, bringing a little of that old-fashioned, chivalrous formality back to romance. Let's face it, with the rise of swipe-to-date apps, the first throws of love aren't quite as romantic as they once were, and in general, dating etiquette seems to have gone downhill...

That means we could all do with a little more door-opening, gift-exchanging, home-cooked-dinner dating and a little less grammatically incorrect, wink emoji peppered messages back and forth. There's nothing wrong with a well placed emoji, but balancing it out with some timeless chivalry would never go amiss... 

Here are a few examples of what dating used to look like. We wouldn't mind welcoming some of these back to the present day!

The men did all the work

With no forms of communication other than a home phone call or a written letter, you'd have to be decisive and proactive to score a date. Gender roles were still fixed solidly at knight in shining armour and damsel in distress until the days of mainstream androgynous fashion and the legalisation of homosexual marriages, which meant that it fell to the masculine, breadwinning protector to court the vulnerable and sensitive lady of his affections. He'd plan the date, invite her out and pay for the whole event; no question.

Dating was far more mysterious

Mysterious in a good way! Without Google to check out your date's life story or the menu of the restaurant he's taking you to, dating would have held a lot more spontaneity. Without texting or Facebook for him to thank you for a lovely evening or invite you out again, he'd have to get creative and jot down notes or call your landline if he wanted another date.

You’d both dress the part
Without the chance to text back and forth to establish whether you liked someone, the date was everyone's first point of call, so this meant giving a good first impression. This means suited and booted for him and modest flowered dresses for her; no hoodies, scuffed trainers or ripped jeans. Depending on how far back we're talking, some ladies might have even been squeezing into corsets or powdering their faces pasty white to impress the lads (think Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy). 

Zero chance of sex on a first date
Dating back then would be a case of spanx-esque granny pants rather than your best underwear for the 'just in case' scenarios that are common in our more liberal present day society. You could expect many more dates of chatting and getting to know each other before sealing the deal. In the glorious hey-day of those pre lad-culture years, there'd be no sexual innuendo or crude, suggestive comments to make you feel awkward, and less pressure on the man to keep busy in the bedroom. Men would dip their hats to ladies, and your date would stand each time you returned from powdering your nose; compared to the eye-contact allergy that so many men seem to suffer from nowadays, every date would have you feeling Like A Natural Woman.  

No waiting in a bar
There'd be no tube commute to the restaurant or chilly nightbus journey home afterwards; a gentleman would collect his date from her house and walk her safely home at the end of the night. He wouldn't be late, because there was no WhatsApp he could use to let her know, and chances are he'd bring her flowers as part of that vital first impression I was talking about before. 

You'd be waiting in by the phone
Nowadays women are equally susceptible to the 'should I call him' decision as men are! While I'm 100% for that equality, back in those days it would be entirely up to the man. The woman would simply have to wait in by her chunky phone if she wanted to be sure to take his call. 

Only have eyes for you…
No digital communication means no easy access to the opposite sex; ergo no casual flirting with or pining over someone else while you were dating. There'd be no porn sites, none of the temptation of an ex’s Facebook profile, no phones ringing or friends texting during your date; you’d have each others undivided attention. Fingers crossed your date wouldn't be a bore. 

What do you miss about pre-technology dating? What DON'T you miss? Go to HelloYou to get started on a modern-day dating journey for free today.

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